
It is night

And there is a stillness. The bear video audition has reached over 100,000 views on YouTube, and countless more on other sites. How many of those people appreciate the irony? How many of those people understand the comedy of it?
I am beginning to feel the weight of what I'm about to do, the millions of people that will see this film, the children, the adults, the people in their late teens/early thirties. I can not let them down. I can't give anything less than the most that I can give. I have to review the script, I have to be ready to create a character that grows within the film, takes a journey, to use a tired and worn metaphor, and becomes something different. This can't just be me being me, I have to be something else entirely. Something that will amuse and teach children, and something adults can connect to. I realize that my character is driven to a fault and becomes power hungry--these are common themes of human existence. But what else is there? What is he hiding from or running from, and is it himself? Maybe. I don't know yet. But I need to find out quickly, because we shoot tomorrow.
There is a stillness, but there is also something moving, something moving inside of me. It's my heart and my digestive system yes but something else too.
I will do everything I can to make this the funniest Ranger that has ever been in cinematic history, I won't portray some broad comic caricature. I will make Ranger Jones a 3 dimensional character, someone who is more than one thing, more than two or three things. That is my work on this picture. That's what I have to do.

tj miller


I'm watching Cloverfield

I'm watching Cloverfield in my hotel room in Taupo. I hope that my performance in Yogi Bear will show that I've matured as a comedic actor, I look back at Cloverfield and realize how young I was in terms of film acting. Yogi will really give me the opportunity to show how far I've come. However, I also think there will be less screaming, and I won't yell "Yo this shit is crazy dude" at any point in this film.